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元朗YOHO商場 Maru Salon 寵物美容師職位聘請中


於元朗YOHO商場一期的寵物美容 Maru Salon 融合集團旗下Pizza Maru的首間寵物友善餐廳, 提供舒適露天用餐區以及寵物歡樂天地設施, 為毛孩同家人提供一站式的服務以及體驗!

Premium dog grooming salon - Maru Salon, is opening in YOHO Mall I very soon!

Wagging along with our group’s new YOHO branch Pizza Maru restaurant, an all-new patio concept providing pet-friendly outdoor dining and doggie playground is surely to give foodies, pet lovers and their four-legged friends a wonderful experience!

元朗YOHO商場 Maru Salon 寵物美容師職位聘請中

「滿滿愛心」職位聘請中/ “LOVING” positions recruiting below:

- 高級寵物美容師/ Top Groomer

o $22,000 - $25,00 + Bonus

o 至少5年經驗/ 5 years or above of relevant working experience

o 擁有國際認可寵物美容B牌/ Holder of Pet Grooming License B

o 獨立處理店鋪日常營運以及管理/ Ability to plan and manage store operations independently

o 做事有條理, 有良好的時間管理能力/ Be very organized with excellent time management skills.

o 透過清晰的溝通, 為客人提供專業寵物美容建議, 以致與客人建立長遠的良好關係/ Not only able to identify and inform pet owner professional feedbacks, but also create a long term happy relationship through excellent communication before and after grooming

o 性格成熟穩定, 有責任心, 團隊精神帶領者/ Mature and strong sense of responsibility, leader for teamwork spirit.

o 指導旗下美容師/ Provide instructions and training to groomers

o 每星期一日例假, 週末以及公眾假期必須上班/ One day off per week, must work on weekends and public holidays

o 每天工作9小時, 加1個小時休息/ 9 hours work per day plus 1 hour break

- 資深寵物美容師/ Senior Groomer

o $17,000 - $19,000 + Bonus

o 至少2年經驗/ 2 years or above of relevant working experience

o 擁有國際認可寵物美容C牌或以上/ Holder of Pet Grooming License C or higher

o 熟悉基本以及手剪造型/ Experienced with standard trim and hand-cut style techniques

o 獨立完成寵物美容工作/ Ability to handle the entire process of pet grooming

o 做事有條理, 有良好的時間管理能力/ Be very organized with excellent time management skills.

o 對寵物細心以及有耐心/ Professional, patient personality, gentle with animals.

o 有責任心以及團隊精神/ Strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit

o 每星期一日例假, 週末以及公眾假期必須上班/ One day off per week, must work on weekends and public holidays

o 每天工作9小時, 加1個小時休息/ 9 hours work per day plus 1 hour break

- 寵物美容師/ Groomer

o From $14,000 + Bonus

o 正在修讀國際認可寵物美容認證/ Undergraduates of Pet Grooming License C

o 擁有國際認可寵物美容C牌或以上會優先考慮/ Holder of Pet Grooming License C will be prioritised

o 熟悉基本寵物沖,剪並可在合理時間內完成步驟/ Familiar with process of washing, trimming, and able to complete the tasks within a reasonable time

o 獨立完成寵物美容工作/ Ability to handle the entire process of pet grooming

o 保持店鋪整潔/ Maintain the store clean and tide throughout

o 對寵物細心以及有耐心/ Professional, patient personality, gentle with animals.

o 有責任心以及團隊精神/ Strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit

o 每星期一日例假, 週末以及公眾假期必須上班/ One day off per week, must work on weekends and public holidays

o 每天工作9小時, 加1個小時休息/ 9 hours work per day plus 1 hour break

員工福利/ Employee Benefits:

薪酬優厚/ Attractive Remuneration Package

年底雙糧/ 13-months pay

營業獎金/ Sales Bonus

良好晉升機會/ Career Progression

有薪年假/ Paid Annual Leave

有薪生日假期/ Paid Birthday Leave

免費膳食/ Free Meals

請提供過往寵物美容經驗(任何犬種以及大小)的照片或影片/ Please provide photos or videos of your previous grooming experience with any types of dog breeds and sizes.

有意申請者請將履歷電郵至: [email protected]

Please email us your CV to [email protected]


All personal information submitted in the application will be kept confidential for recruitment purpose only.

元朗YOHO商場 Maru Salon 寵物美容師職位聘請中
元朗YOHO商場 Maru Salon 寵物美容師職位聘請中

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​International Professional Grooming Academy


Tel: +852-62326466 / WhatsApp: +852-62326466

開放時間﹕12:00-19:00 (逢星期二休息)

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